Baltic Cleantech Briefing 2024 Q1

July 29, 2024

Cleantech sector in the Baltics is growing and the first quarter of 2024 briefing will give an overview of the main topics. Investments have grown compared to Q1 of 2023 and policy support is growing steadily as well.


Cleantech Estonia has created a webseries called Cleantech45.

Cleantech incubator was launched for green technology startups at Sunrise Tech Park.

Announcement of six new Cleantech for Baltics coalition members.

Investment Data

9,36M EUR of investments in the Baltics for Q1 2024.

The most investments were done in the Transportation & Logistics sector followed by Resources & Environment.

Policy News

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), part of the European Union, is opening a new hub that will help local talent and entrepreneurs by providing direct access to education, business, and innovation opportunities within the EIT Community.

The invitation to install own solar power plants with a budget of 12M EUR has begun in Lithuania.

Startup House Riga - A new hub for innovation and expansion of Latvian startups.

Click here to read the full Cleantech for Baltics Q1 Briefing of 2024.